We are a rural community group dedicated to providing activities for the social, physical and mental well-being of our local residents and visitors to the Village.
We have a variety of outdoor activities for people to get involved in. We are building on existing links in the wider community and making new ones regularly. We have a wonderful outdoor resource; a place where people of all ages and abilities and can gather together to meet, relax, or take part in the many opportunities on offer; where they can socialise with friends, neighbours and visitors in a community setting, whatever their interests.

Meet Fiona: Since 2010 we have been undertaking a project to develop our outdoor community space into a community garden. Whilst the development has been led and delivered exclusively by volunteers, we received a grant from The National Lottery Community Fund in 2019 to employ an Outdoor Community Development Worker for 3 years. The role aims to develop a calendar of events and activities centred around the 4 themes of the garden – nature, horticulture, health and history. Overall the project encourages wider use of the outdoor space by locals and visitors for recreation, socialisation, education and food growing.

Meet Mari: Educated to Degree level with an Honors in Horticulture, our Therapeutic Gardener Mari is on hand to teach the local community the tips and tricks to make your garden a success. From delightful dahlias to vigorous veg, Mari can help. Combined with her 30-year career in the health and wellbeing industry, Mari can also introduce you to the healing power of being in nature and growing organic through her regular sessions in Barrmill Community Garden and allotment:
Wednesday’s, 12.30-3.30, Grow with Us
Thursday’s, 10.30-3.30, The Wellness Pod
2nd Saturday of every month, 11-4, The Monthly Muck-In
These sessions can be drop-in or stay for the duration. Refreshments and toilets are available. Disabled facilities.

Meet Carrick: Congratulations to long-term volunteer Carrick Crawford on securing a role as a sessional Community Gardener. Carrick is a Gardener to trade and has been with the project from the start. Much of what you see in the planting and structures has been created by Carrick. He also busily keeps our Facebook page updated. Come, meet and learn from Carrick at the Sat monthly Muck-In (2nd Sat of every month) and every Wednesday at the Midweek Muck-in. Well done Carrick. We look forward to seeing what you can do in an official role.